Sail Canada Courses

ISW is an authorized Sail Canada School able to train and certify students at the Introductory (sail) and Basic Cruising levels. Additionally, we offer the ROC-M radio license course and examination by a designated examiner from Industry Canada through Sail Canada.


Sail Canada Courses:

Introduction to Boating - To introduce novice boaters to safe practices when preparing to leave the dock, while underway, and when returning to dock. This standard may be taught in a sailing vessel or a powerboat. It is expected that the vessel will be less than 12 meters in length.

Introduction to Boating Standard (2017-03-31)

Start Keelboat Sailing - To be able to sail safely as crew of a sloop rigged keelboat 6 to 12 meters with an outboard or inboard motor in 5 - 20 knots (not gusting over 25 knots) of wind by day.

Start Keelboat Sailing (2018-04-15)

Keelboat Spinnaker - To be able to sail safely as crew of a sloop rigged keelboat 6 to 12 meters while working with a spinnaker in light to moderate wind and sea conditions by day.

Keelboat Spinnaker (2019-01-01)

Basic Crew Standard - To be able to cruise safely in familiar waters as competent crew of a sloop rigged keelboat of 6 to 10 meters with an outboard or inboard motor  in moderate wind and sea conditions by day.

Basic Crew Standard (2019-01-01)

Basic Cruising Standard - To be able to cruise safely in familiar waters as both skipper and crew of a sloop rigged keelboat of 6 to 10 meters with an outboard or inboard motor  in moderate wind and sea conditions by day.

Basic Cruising Standard (2017-03-31)

VHF DSC Simulator - Used for Radio Operator Certificate - Marine

ROC-M Course:

The ROC-M course is delivered using a fully functioning simulator to ensure the student has the opportunity to learn all tasks from sending routing messages to distress communications.

Contact us for further details.