RYA Shorebased Theory Courses (in Classroom)
Shorebased courses when offered are delivered on the premises of the Royal Nova Scotia Yacht Squadron (RNSYS). We offer the Day Skipper, Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster Offshore and Yachtmaster Ocean courses from November through March based on demand in a five day concentrated course format. Contact us for course schedules and details
RYA Essential Navigation and Safety Classroom (more)
Contact us for details
RYA Day Skipper Theory Classroom (more)
Course Cost - $795 (all materials included)
For further information see our BLOG and or contact us through the website.Contact us for details
RYA Coastal Skipper & Yachtmaster Offshore Theory Classroom (more)
Course Cost - $795 (all materials included)
Prices effective 28 March 2023